Since all of you know how obsessed I am with my garden, I know that all of you aren’t surprised that I have a terrarium that I keep changing throughout the season. Oh yes I have a terrarium that I change up depending on the holiday that is coming up. My Christmas terrarium was a huge hit which is exactly why I had to take the time to update it in time for Valentine’s Day; so here we are, the how to on how to make my Valentine’s Day Terrarium.
Step One
First I had to clear out all the Christmas from my little creation. I lined up everything I wanted to move in and made a plan on what was going to have to move out this time around. I decided that I was going to reuse 3 of the elements within my terrarium making this transition a lot easier than the last one from Graveyard to Christmas.

Step Two
Once everything has been moved out you can really start to plan. I managed to get my hands on an adorable little house from the Dollar Tree, then I made my way to Garden Works for the fancy colored reindeer moss in red and dusty rose. These were going to be perfect for creating the most whimsical little Valentine’s Day Terrarium. I moved out the fern and snuggled the chicken and hens up to the little tree. I left the pathway as it was and I paired the little house with the adorable little mushroom girl I got from ebay many many years ago now.
Once you have it all put together you have an amazing little Valentine’s garden just in time for the most adorable holiday of the season! The reindeer moss really makes this one and I know that from here until the big day I’ll probably be adding to it so who knows how it will look a week from now!
The best part about these terrariums is that you can constantly change it whenever and however you like. It is your own little world that you can always be creative in.