Getting gifts for people you love in the time of COVID can certainly be a task. You haven’t seen each other in months but you know you want to give them a little love on their special day. Since so many of my friends are stuck at home with their families the majority of the time Funko Games is the perfect solution. This Funko Games Gift Guide will give you some amazing ideas for any of your nerdy best friends.
Of course we can buy them these things in the hopes of playing with them once this whole thing is under control.
FunkoVerse – Nightmare Before Christmas
There is nothing I love more than Nightmare Before Christmas and I know I am not alone. There are so many women and men my age that love this classic and this game is such an adorable way to bring that love to life. These strategy games are a great way to have a few laughs with friends and family, but don’t lose those adorable pieces cause you can collect a bunch from all different genres!!

FunkoVerse – Game of Thrones
Still sad about the season end of Game of Thrones?? Why not gift this game in the hopes of bringing your Game of Thrones dreams to life. The adorable little John Snow totally kills me: “… you know nothing John Snow!” A great game that is awesome for anyone 13+ who loves this series.

FunkoVerse – Jurassic Park
I don’t think I have ever met anyone that didn’t like the Jurassic Park series, there is something universal in the love of dinosaurs. Making this the perfect addition to our Funko Games Gift Guide. I mean look at that little raptor and try not to fall in love?! Not to mention the tiny little Samuel L. Jackson that goes along with it. Of course there is a way you can get the Jeff Goldblum as well with their additional pack!
Something WILD!
Funko Games has an incredible set of great card games that you can find in any fandom that are perfect for mixing and matching together! You can collect them all and collect an amazing card game that is great for passing the time with friends and family. This Villians version is definitely one of my favorites for sure.
No matter what your friends fandom might be there is a gift for them to help remind them that you’re thinking of them and can’t wait to see them when COVID is under control.