Plants for your Bedroom

Not all bedrooms are quite the same; they face different directions, sometimes don’t have much light at all or even too much. There is always something that will work as long as you have a little light; and I hope to help you make the best choice for your space. Afterall it can be hard to find the perfect plants for your bedroom.

plants for your bedroom
Peacock Plant

Peacock Plant

Originally from eastern Brazil the peacock plant is one of my hubby’s favorites in our room. The main reason why I placed it’s beautiful self on his side of the bed. A great indoor option that is usually quite resistant to most things. As long as you make sure you are letting it dry between waterings you should be in decent shape in regards to care. Since they’re sensitive to root rot the worst thing you can do is overwater this plant. The Peacock plant needs indirect light and loves a bit of humidity in the air so feel free to place this one next to your bedroom diffusers without worry. It loves our room with a north facing window.

plants for your bedroom
Starfish Snake Plant (top left)

Snake Plant

Snake plants come in lots of amazing varieties making them a great addition to any bedroom. As a shade lover and indirect light lover these plants can do well in a multitude of bedrooms. With all the different sizes, colours and looks you can always find one you will love. I have both the “mother-in-law tongues” versions and Starfish Snake Plant varieties and find them soo easy to care for all over my home. In fact there are over 35 different types of snake plant making them one of my top 5 plants.

plants for your bedroom
Prayer Plant (left) Snake plant (right)

Prayer Plant

Prayer plants are a great common houseplant that many of you may be familiar with. Coming in a couple different colour variations my favorite my has always been the red and green. Some can find these a little harder but as long as you listen to what it needs they’re very easy. They love bright indirect light, damp soil but not wet and a little air humidity. Feeding once every two weeks can really boost their output making it one of the best ones to clip and gift when you are ever in need of a gift for a friend. I have had this one in my solarium with no success, but in my room with a north facing window it has been thriving!

plants for your bedroom
String of Turtles on the right.

String of Turtles

Another favorite of mine that is a native to Brazil the string of turtles brings me so much joy. Granted mine spends winters in my solarium and springs and summers in my bedroom this lovely plant loves some bright indirect light. It also thrives in warmer areas and isn’t fond of catching a chill. With is small size and slow grow rate it is great for small pots for longer durations of time. That makes them great for smaller decorative spaces and terrariums!

Plants for your Bedroom
Brazilian Pothos

Brazilian Pothos

I know, clearly I need to live in a forest in Brazil cause their foliage is always some of my favorites – especially for my bedroom apparently. The Brazilian Pothos offers a beautiful colour variation that no other pothos does; with tones of yellows, greens, whites and even tints of red/orange it displays beautifully. They love bright indirect light and the better it is the more gorgeous the colours will be on your plant. They are easy to propagate too which means you can spread their beauty all over your house! It is a super fast grower in the right conditions so you will have a big beautiful plant in no time if you choose to add one of these to your home.

I hope that these five ideas will give you an idea of what plants you will want for your own bedrooms, cause every bedroom should have a little greenery in it if you ask me!

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